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Showing posts from May, 2020

Walmart employees are out to show its anti-shoplifting AI doesn’t work

The retailer denies there is any widespread issue with the software.

An advanced and unconventional hack is targeting industrial firms

Steganography? Check? Living off the land? Yep. Triple-encoded payloads? Uh-huh.

Border Patrol flies anti-terrorism drone over Minneapolis protestors

A Predator B drone from near-by Airforce bases makes six passes over protestors.

Cisco security breach hits corporate servers that ran unpatched software

Cisco is one of many to get bitten by vulnerabilities in open source Salt manager.

Russian hackers are exploiting bug that gives control of US servers

Sandworm group uses emails to send root commands to buggy Exim servers.

Dangerous SHA-1 crypto function will die in SSH linking millions of computers

Lagging far behind others, SSH developers finally deprecate aging hash function.

Bankrupt OneWeb seeks license for 48,000 satellites, even more than SpaceX

OneWeb asks FCC for expanded license as it prepares to exit bankruptcy.

GE switches off light bulb business after almost 130 years

GE started with lighting, but today it’s more of an “industry and debt” firm.

Meet unc0ver, the new jailbreak that pops shell—and much more—on any iPhone

Tool released over the weekend makes it a snap to remove restrictions built into iOS.

SpaceX and US Army sign deal to test Starlink broadband for military use

Army will test Starlink performance before deciding whether to be a customer.

New Android vulnerability Strandhogg 2.0 exploits user trust

SuperHappyFunGame, once installed, could steal the focus from unrelated apps.

The Nigerian fraudsters ripping off the unemployment system

"Scattered Canary" group is scamming vital benefits programs amid the pandemic.

Gears of war: When mechanical analog computers ruled the waves

In some ways, the Navy's latest computers fall short of the power of 1930s tech.

Making Internet service a utility—what’s the worst that could happen?

A cable lobby lawyer reveals the industry’s darkest fears.

IBM laying off thousands, seeking “flexibility” during COVID-19 crisis

If other companies close their doors, whom does an enterprise supplier supply?

Crypto hedge funds struggle to recover from “bloodbath”

Volatility in cryptocurrency prices causes big losses for highly-leveraged funds.

Hackers infect multiple game developers with advanced malware

Never-before-seen PipeMon hit one developer's build system, another's game servers.

Ajit Pai doubts Elon Musk’s SpaceX broadband-latency claims

FCC to rule Starlink is high-latency, making it harder to get broadband funding.

iPhone crypto hid al-Qaida link to naval base shooting, AG fumes

Investigators say they spent 4 months and huge sums to decrypt suspected iPhones.

Cell-tower attacks by idiots who claim 5G spreads COVID-19 reportedly hit US

US warns carriers to boost security, citing reports of attacks in several states.

ZFS versus RAID: Eight Ironwolf disks, two filesystems, one winner

We exhaustively tested ZFS and RAID performance on our Storage Hot Rod server.

All your reaction GIFs now belong to Facebook, as it buys Giphy for $400M

Facebook's onward march to bring all of the Internet in house continues apace.

Chrome will soon block resource-draining ads. Here’s how to turn it on now

Fed up with cryptojacking ads? Google developers have you covered.

Verizon’s nationwide 5G will only be a “small” upgrade over 4G at first

Verizon promises “dramatic improvements” eventually, but it’s not clear when.

Apache 101: 0-WordPress in 15 minutes

Apache gets an undeserved bad rep from outdated guides—learn to set it up right.

When AI takes on Eurovision: Can a computer write a hit song?

One Reddit-trained AI's lyrics? "Kill the government, kill the system." Whoops.

Shuttered restaurants, bars, hotels speed up TV cord-cutting even more

No customers to come in, and no sports to put on for them, so why pay for cable?

ZFS 101—Understanding ZFS storage and performance

Learn to get the most out of your ZFS filesystem in our new series on storage fundamentals.

Comcast resists call to open home Wi-Fi hotspots, cites potential congestion

"Comcast's excuse simply does not add up," three US senators say.

Wink smart hub users get one week’s notice to pay up or lose access

Devices will stop working for users who don't want to pay the new monthly fee.

Hacker buys old Tesla parts on eBay, finds them full of user data

Data can be retrieved even after owners perform a factory reset, researcher says.

Frontier will charge up to $89 for social distancing on flights

Because the airline industry can monetize literally anything, apparently.

CenturyLink’s slow broadband deployment gets even slower in pandemic

Pandemic disrupts broadband progress as cities halt construction.

“Chickens**t” whistleblower firings are “poison,” resigning Amazon VP says

Firings highlight “toxicity running through the company culture,” Bray said.

Ubuntu 20.04: Welcome to the future, Linux LTS disciples

ZFS gets more accessible, security becomes a bigger priority, and Ubuntu speeds up overall.

How well can algorithms recognize your masked face?

There's a scramble to adapt to a world where people routinely cover their faces.

Frontier, amid bankruptcy, is suspected of lying about broadband expansion

Small ISPs want investigation as Frontier tries to block FCC funding for rivals.